Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Life, it was. Life it is.

OKay... This blogging thing is new. . . dont know exactly what i am doing, but lindsay is here! Right beside me!

So.... I'd like to tell you a little bit about my life in the past little while!

First of this year i went to homecoming with Tyler Galloway. He has been my friend for so long. For our day date he took me to this antique store in Salt Lake, it has all these amazing pieces of furniture, books, paintings... Things all from the 1900's.
For dinner the boys made us this wonderful meal. Then... The dance.... Then HOt tUbing. Woo . Hoo. My group was so fun i became such good friends with new people. Their names are Alan Henderson, Ryan Welch, Julianne Brough, Lauren Smith. The best group!


Labor Day Weekend i took my friends- Lindsay, Emily, Rachelle, Tanner to my cabin! It was a blast we fed horses, went four-wheeling, swiss days and ate the most delicious foods!


My BIRTHDAY weeKeND! And SAdies WeeKend. BlaSt = WeeKeNd. My birthday was October 9th! It started out perfect! my mom made me breakfast in bed... delicious carmel rolls. My mother brought in lunch to my school for everyone. Soup and brownies! My friends decorated my station and gave me cards! It was just PERfecT! After i got home from school the young woman came and sang to me at my house. Then Dinn Dinn With my family, Rachelle, Emily, and Lindsay at Los Hermanos. we Got back... NOw Its PResent TIME :D i got this beautiful black laptop! i am using it now! its wonderful wonderful wonderful! After playing with my present for a while we went and saw whip it! i love that movie So super much!

The next day... Sadie Hawkins! i went to school... then we went to this place called backyard adventures! its awesome it has all of these inflatable slides and obstacle courses! We had dinner at Emilys Soup. Now. The Dance! woO Hoo.... after s'Mores- Wanna kNow way s'mores?

We Were Boy Scouts Girl Scouts. Hehhe. Great!

my group consisted of

me - Tanner Wheaden

Lindsay-Dallin Brown

Mad Eye- Chris Nielson

Emily- Cade Larsen


For now...