Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Words to live by...

To those within the sound of my voice who are struggling with

challenges and difficulties large and small, prayer is the

provider of spiritual strength; it is the passport to peace. Prayer

is the means by which we approach our Father in Heaven, who

loves us. Speak to Him in prayer and then listen for the answer.

Miracles are wrought through prayer” (“Be Your Best Self,”

Liahona and Ensign, May 2009, 68).-Thomas S. Monson

Monday, August 1, 2011


This Summer has been a pretty good one. I feel like i haven't done much tho. . . I need to hurry and get it all done before i move out. ON the 22! its just tooo SOON. This summer has really gone by so fast. Even tho i havent done much, i have met some amazing people! :)

^ Bear Lake.
Did i get butter on Parkers car? YES.
Was it just after he said how much pride he took in keeping his car cleaned? YES.

Anywhooo. much to do much to do. if only I/ EVERYONE didnt have these lame things called jobs we could do all the things we wanted!

Cheers to having a good summer!

Friday, July 15, 2011

'I frequently act as though I am not possessed of the Inner Eye, so as not to make others nervous.'

Harry Potter last night doods. SO much fun. while some people were crying i was happy. happy to be part of this generation where i grew up with harry potter. I feel a sorta ownership over it? haha i dont know how to explain. Even tho its sad to not feel excitement anymore for new movies to come... i am excited to be able to watch harry potter as many times as i want at any time.
In this picture above is rita skeeter (Brittany G) Molly Weasley (Lindsay I) Harry potta (Tyler I) Professor Trewlany (me)
Sidenote: - sick of people bragging about seeing pre showings. WHO CARES. -Kinda getting Sick of lots of HP status'. __ We all know it was freakin awesome.___sorry about it.
Going to bear lake in a few hours for a ward camp out. SO EXCITED. but so tired.

Monday, July 11, 2011

first post.

HEY DOODS. check out the blog. check check check it out.

Monday, July 4, 2011

summer. &the Vow.

i have been having a great summer.
been swimming lots at seven peaks with ma lady friends.
i went to st george with my family it was so fun. Tuacahn. we went and saw Grease and Little Mermaid. I loved both. mostly little mermaid haha. went swimming lots too.
My cousin whitney and i decided that in every serious of books the second book the main character always complains and whines about everything.
I went to stadium of fire. i kept leaning over to my cousin gentry every second while david was singing saying omg he is just so cute.
he really is. i love how he is awkward and just well... cute

i know this movie is NOT coming out forever. but i am literally crying. and freaking out over how much i want to see it RIGHT THIS SECOND. like crying really tears. i love movies like this - not gonna hide it. so watch.

YAY! i need. i love the two of them. and i know this is gonna be ga-ooood.

Monday, June 13, 2011


My Baby is all grown up! Our baby i should say. Emily graduated a bit ago. HooRah! :) i am so excited for her to join us in the real world.
I can honestly say that she is one of the people who brightens my day most. She is the most funny person i know.She is on Heritage Tours right now. MAJj Jealous. Missing her every second.Can't wait for this Beautiful lady return. LOVE YOu E.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Shopping Bag

My name is Jennica Nielsen, my birthday is October 9th, BUT i accept gifts all year round.


I am going nutsozz over this rose colored SKIRT i think that the flow and length is PERF. SIZE MEDIUM PLEASE.

I've wanted a pair of THESE bad boys for quite sometime. size. IDK.

I wouldn't mind a pair of THESE either. size 6.5 PLEASe.

I like this long skirt as well... not as much as the rose one from URb tho.

I've always loved You and always will.
I know i already have a shirt with a bow that hangs in the front, but it really is one of my favorite shirts. i think this is also sooo cute, i love where the sleeves fall.

ANyyywHoo. These are the beauties that have been catching my eye.
One of my goals this summer is to wear some cute high wedges and to walk gracefully.


bon a petite

TaGALooongCookiEzzz. Yummm.

Bloggers block? haha i honestly have had no motivation or reason to blog.... i have had nothing to talk about! :)
I am pleased to say tho that i have been working on bringing you guys my hair blog. its going to be called hairrapture. -woo ya? well anyway i want to figure out the page outline more and then give you guys the first post. i think it will just be the basics on taking care of your hair. - a lot of people dont know how important just a few lil ingredients are to making your hair healthy and oh so wonderful. ill let you know when its up and ready!
I am also pleased to say i bought my seven peaks pass yesterday! SOoooo. Who has one? do you want to go this summer. i am soups serious. lezz party? yeah yeah yeah?
I love sitting and watching americas next top model all day at work. ALL DAy. Anyway my favorite top model is Nicole Fox you can find her here ... just crazzyyy about her photos. and her. she is the cutes.
Over the past weekend i went and saw Pirates at midnight... which i enjoyed.
and i also watched the PERFECT MAN! Best Hill Duff Movie ever? i think YES.
OKAY and GREYS SEASON FINALE? OH MY GOSH>......... tooo much to handle.
On sunday it was my great friend Kylie Moe's birthday! So i wanted to make her something special. I made her the tag along cookies (I've also made them previously with Emily and Lindsay) They were a success and So DELISH.
I got the Recipe HERE Its probably my favorite place for food recipes ever. After my friend Al told me about it in one day i went through the entire website! :) looooveee it!

Monday, May 9, 2011


Prom pictures! WAY LATE. but still here!
Here i am with my cousin Colton. He went with our really good family friend Chloe! Such a stud. right? right?
My brother Jarrett.. Wooo. BABE. i just DIgged the purple on him! :) I think its funny that we took pictures of us with our family pictures in back... how emburassin.
Some days i kinda miss highschool... like prom fun. then i think about how stupid it was and am SO glad its done with! :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

+ a Blog?

Gary and i went to the REAL game this Saturday. It was realllly. fun! :) - they won.

Anywayyy this week is Gary's last week before he leaves to Peru for 2 weeks. i am really going to miss him. I am super jeal that he is going on vacation tooo. i need a vacation right now... its really frustrating that everyone is like Work. i cant get work off. its too hard.... im LIKE REALLY PEOPLE? this is the ONE time you are going to be able to before the hard stuff in life starts. just come with me. lets be random.

Soooo. i've been thinking about doing an additional blog on hair/fashion. - focusing mostly on hair. I wwant to talk about the new in looks that i dig. show you guys how to do things (because i have had a couple people ask me how i do my hair) and tell you guys about my favorite products. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS. lets be honest here. . . would it be a waste of my time?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Gary and i Went to the gateway - i felt a little disappointed at the selection of clothes. We then went to Z tejas. We got really GOOD food. i am kinda craving more of it right now, thats why i decided to blog about it :)...
We got their gooood corn bread.
gary got tacos and i got Some amazing enchiladas.

OKay! can i just say.... If you dont get the chills or start crying once you watch this then you are MENTAL.
I am a little bit freaking out with excitement. :)

<3 J.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Gary and i started the weekend off early and went to the zooo! It was so much fun, nice weather too. So many children at the zoo! so many, but we had a good time going around and looking at all the animals together.My favorite of course are the turtles. they are so cuuute. i just want one the most!
His favorite are all the snakes. WHich FREAK me out. He wants to have lots in his house. Ew. X12.
This Gorilla was just hanging out in the window. So we snapped a nice little picture of us with him.
Awwwww. CUTE, RIGHT?
We were looking at the elephant getting ready to eat (Love me some elephants and some rpatz. Just sayin...)
After the zoo we went to L&L. Hawaiian Bbq?
then Gary took me to Cafe d'bolla. I'd never been there to get there famous bubble drinks. never tried those either, but i loved it. I got almond flavor. - it has these black tapioca balls in the bottom that you suck up and chew... DELISH.
After that... we went to muse music and listened to some great peeeple.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I've had a really busy week. with finals. to top it all off i was sick. but finals are OVER! its summer.
Although the week was hard i had some really amazing moments as well:
Gary made me dinner on Thursday. Everything was amazing. i loved the potatoes.
I went with Emily on Friday night to see Water for Elephants. Can i just say, it was the most amazing movie? We cant stop thinking about it. I want to see it again. ASAP.
And can i also just say... ROB. where'd you come from? You were looking GA--OOOD.
On Saturday everyone was OUT of coloring for your eggs. we were lucky tho, Emily had some at her house. So we went over and dyed eggs!
My brother also had prom that night. he was such a stud. i cant wait to post some pictures!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Drama. - be gone.
Last night we made pazookies

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bling N

Last night i went with these BABES to the jazz game. It got so close at the end and was SUPER INTENSE, but the Jazz came through and we WON! i think i have a crush on gordon now haha... no... he was just amazing. I had such an amazing time!

Monday, April 11, 2011


Sidenote: Seeing the JUstin B movie on Sat... I felt like one of the girls in the movie crying and saying how much she loved Justin.
I love him so much.
Whats with this new obsession you ask?
A while ago Gary taught me how to play chess - i'd never really played before.
and i LOVEd it. I STILL LOVE IT.
I am not very good at it, but i have so much fun playing.
This is all of us on Sunday having a tournament.
-Michael won!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

"My Dinner was HAWT"

So remember when i was telling you all about that special dinner i had the Thursday night?
My man made me this great steak with this great sauce. I was quite impressed (i wish i had taken a picture)
For dessert we had GRILLED bananas with this caramel sauce, raspberries, and ice cream!
HOw sexy is it for a man to make his woman dinner?
right? haha i just love him.
Earlier today i went with my ma, my sissyz, janelle, and makayla to see HAIRSPRAY at Hale center theater!
They did a perfect job!
I think i will be watching hairspray within the next few days! :)
I'm excited to hopefulllls be seeeing JUSTIN B. never say never tonight! :)
Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!
I am with all the people i love!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Me n' sis.

Today i had the afternoon off! It was so nice to sleep in.
I woke up to find my sister McKenzie home!
She on occasion has neck problems that make it so she literally can not move her neck in any direction. (the first time this happened was on a cruise... she was scared to go back on another because she thought that it'd happen again haha)
So we decided to hit kohlers for a red box and food.
we then went to Orange Leaf next to Kohlers. its a new yogurt place... that was DELICIOUS. NO Joke. the flavors were soooo good, the toppings were so good. and The place was just. so cute!
-the spoons was one of my favorite parts! i wanted to keep it, but kenz said no! haha
We then went and watched the movie RED.
my opinions: it was a funny, rad movie, but the end was a bit weird to me haha :)
It was a fun day and its going to be a fun night too! Aubrey is in towN! hp7 anyone? wooohOo.
p2theS. gary made me the most amazing dinner last night! i cant wait to post pictures :)


THis ones for the GURLZ.

We finally got together last friday night! it was one of the best nights i've had in the longest time!
all of us. 1. me. 2. Emily. 3. Lindsay. 4. Rachelle. 5. Brandee. 6. Jerra.
we went to pizza pie cafe for dinner!
just had the greatest time there by:
a) eating pizza
b) catching up
c) making boys jealous
d) meeting new rugby babes hahah

We then went and saw the movie Source Code. JAKE G. DON'T mIND IF I DO! :)
it was a really good movie, i was quite impressed. after we went and had a long over due sleepover! :)
I love these ladies. they really are my sisters.
Best described by the cheetah sisters...

"Cuz we are sisters we stand together
We make up one big family although
we don't look the same
We make make each other stronger
that ain't ever gonna change
We're cheetah girls cheetah sisters"

Monday, April 4, 2011

Are you freaking out? I'm freaking out.

On April 1st, footage from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 was screened for an uber lucky audience at CinemaCon and though we don't have the video to share (yet…), we do have all the details on what was shown. Read on, Potterheads, if you want to know what you missed out on. If not…


Lets set the scene:

The audience, in darkness, hears a gentle whisper from Lord Voldemort, saying, "Harry…bring him to me." The video comes up and Harry, Ron and Hermione sit across from a wounded Ollivander, the wand-maker, discussing their plans from there.

The scene changes to footage of the trio fighting the white dragon at Gringotts, and Hermione cries, “We can’t just stand here. Who’s got an idea?”

When Ron insists she is the "brilliant" one, Hermione responds by diving onto the back of the beast and gesturing for her comrades to follow her.

The footage cuts again, this time to show the hills outside Hogwarts, manned by Snape and a group of Death-Eaters. Things then take a turn for the sad, as the footage cuts again, this time to scan the halls of Hogwarts lined with bodies, broken and covered in blood. In the distance, Voldemort’s voice says: “You have allowed your friends to die for you, rather than face me yourself. Join me in The Forbidden Forest and confront your fate.”

And that is exact what Harry does. The scene changes and we see Harry striding through the forest…but he is not alone. Joining him on either side are his mother, father, godfather Sirius Black…

“Why are you here, all of you?” Harry demands.

“We never left,” his mother whispers.

“You’ll stay with me?” Harry asks, with clear and definite fear behind the question

“Always,” his mother says.

“Until the end,” adds his father.

The scene changes again to when Harry meets his end at the hand of Voldemort, which most people have already seen from the trailer. But the scene carries on into Harry's afterlife - a bright, white void, where Dumbledore waits for him and greets him with a simple, “You brave, brave man… ” The scene continues as he explains Harry's willingness to die offers him the chance to return and fight again.

In the next scene, Harry comes to blows with Severus Snape in the Great Hall of Hogwarts. He challenges him in front of the entire school, screaming “How dare you stand where he stood! Tell them how it happened that night. How you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and KILLED him!” Fans of the series know this isn't a scene that actually plays out in the book…but it sounds pretty epic all the same.

In the footage's final moments, shots of the final battle unfold and finally, Harry and Voldemort come face-to-face for the last time. “Let’s finish this the way we started,” Harry taunts Voldemort, before grabbing him as they both tumble over a cliff as Harry's voice echoes: “… together… “

Cut to black.

Do U have chills?


This sounds sooooo suspenseful and emotional.

To call back to what Harry said, this series is bound to finish just the way it started - with heart, nerve and just a touch of magic!

ITS JUST SOOOO SOON! I cant even handle the suspense :)

(Much of this post gotten from


I got Tagged in my NUMBER ONE WOMANs blog.
Lindsay Erin Ivie. I HEART you. POINT!

this is what you gotta dew.
1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link them back to your post
2. Tell seven things about yourself
3. Award to 15 new bloggers
4. Contact these new bloggers and let them know they have received this award

her we go.

* LINDSAY * Thank you. thankHue. I am so glad that we are more than just blogging friends. . . but that we are best friends! My favorite thing is when i see a post on your blog about us! :)

-I have a serious issue with finding unique things about myself. I Steal stuff from LIndsay and claim them as my own. haha. I think i am just going to put random things down.
but her we go....

1. I collect postcards! Its one of my favorite things to receive one in the mail from someone! If you are ANYWHERE! please send me one :) ( i will <3 u 4ever) (even if i dont know you very well... i WONt think its weird. Ill like you more)
2. I Think scruff On men is the SEXIEst thing they could DO!
3. I oft take long baths. i sit and read. it relaxes me so much.
4. I love hanging outside at nights during the warmer months.
5. I love junk food. especially flavored drinks - which is bad.
6. I want to have a green house someday!
7. I nev shave my legs in the winter months "i'm never consistant"
-maj turn off. right? sorry about it!
like Linds, i don't really want to tag 15 people. thats half my followers! so here are 3 blogs i follow quite a bit!

1. *SUE* This girl is the happiest person alive. she is a ray of sunshine in everyones life! :)
2. *Emily * although she doesn't blog TONS. its like MY VERY FAVORITE thing when i see her on my newsfeed. :) She is my BEst!
3. *Alyssa * She will always be soo near and dear to my heart. My favorite thing she does on her blog is her hero of the day. I may just have to steal that erryonce in a while.

So go ahead and check My lady friends OUT! They are awesome. and if they want they can play this lil game TOO.
-Janice Gertrude Nielsen.

I'm a mother of 4!

Hey Hey HEY.

I just wanted to introduce you to my childreN!
Woonshika! - gary created her.
Natashbeddingfield - I wanted her name to have something to do with the bond her godmother and i have. (Lindsay Ivie is godmother)
Janiquangaryth - I named her after Me and Gary! haha :)

ChexyBeast - So many emotions were running through my head as i was trying to name him : Jealousy, love.

If being a mom was this easy and FUN in the ReALLL world
i'd be down for kids. lots of them.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What value would there be in life if we are not together.

2 Jane Austen plays within a WEEK!

I hung out with my number one woman and number one man last night!

Emily and i went and saw Pride and prejudice the musical last night at LP. It was Pretty good. I loved Mr. Darcy... I thought he was PERF.
I'd give it a 3/5 ***

Earlier Gary and i went and saw Persuasion at bYu. I absolutely loved it. The humor was brilliant and it definitely didnt feel like it was dragging on.
I'd give it a 4.5/5 ****.5 - hahha
Yes. i liked it that much.

I love Jane Austen so much. She was an amazing writer and i love hearing about her life.
Becoming Jane - the movie is definitely one of my favorites. If you havent seen it i would totes SuGGESt you watch.
I am gonna try and convince Gary to watch it.
I'm also trying to convince all of you. RIGHT NOW.
Below is one of my favorite clips from the movie! It gets good at 00:57. Start there :)

SOOO GOOD> right?