Sunday, February 28, 2010

Little thought there, little thought here.

I've had my baby all weekend. So.. i am sorry about the picture explosion! i just cant help myself she is just so cute! I really just wish i could keep her. I love hiking and outdoor climbing, stuff in the mountains and she would be the absolute perfect dog to come up with me.

When she sleeps and cuddles with her neck on you, you basically just melt.

-> Some of these pictures turned out sideways. ... I dont know how.
One thing i just think is so cute....
Isla goes right to sleep when you bring out this levi blanket and turn on the soundtrack of Pride and Prejudice.
I was watching the ending of 500 days of summer the other day at school and at the end he talks about fate. I just realized that each person i meet, talk to, or am going to marry will be fate. When i meet this person.
Why we started talking.
Where did i meet this person?
Did we start this discussion over a book, a movie, food?
I just cant wait.
Today i gave a talk in sacrament about education, with an aspect from a girl wanting to be a mother but also wanting an education point of view. From what i learned you need education for your family, but a woman should foremost be a mother. I am concerned with what to do with my life, how to get started because i dont know when i will be a mother. so should i get into what i want or not? I went visiting teaching today and the woman i visited told me that if being a mother was important to me then the career i wanted almost made me choose work before motherhood, so i maybe shouldnt do it. Why is it that i just cant have both? I hate this.
{Michael Buble}
I truly want to thankyou for the beautiful new cd you have out. I also wanted to express how much i love how you have re-done the song All of Me. (an old original song which i have always loved and has been on my blog) Your songs are inspirational.
{Sweet Sweets}
Oh! I seriously feel like i have had the best little desserts this weekend. I've had tres leche, a churro cupcake (from Emily and LIndsay, which was seriously DELICIOUS), molten cake, pumpkin chocholate chip bronie, bannana bar, chocolate chip cookies. (secret: like 5 of these desserts were just from today... shhH.)
Okay, i had a crappy weekend . crap does not even give it justice. Anywhoo... I was at Lindsays for some of tonight and we decided plans for this upcoming weekend and i just cant even wait! This friday we dont have school (a blessing because i have been dreading school everyday for at least 2 weeks) So No School. and ALice in WonderLaND comes out. So thursday we are going to the midnight showing and then having a sleepover. We havent had one in ages. The next day for our day off we want to go to salt lake and go shopping (senior pictures-for me), go take lots of beautiful pictures, salt lake is so pretty, and grab some gelato. I cant wait, i hope its all i hope for it to be, i need this.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Isla Mae

This is my Baby! Isla (eye-la) Mae.
I Jennica Nielsen am Godmother.
Many of you may think this a joking matter, but i take on my role as godmother seriously.
She is the cutest of all babies, i miss her so much. My Very favorite things about her:
1. She loves kisses
2. She nussles into your neck when cuddling
3. She holds on to your hands (you can kind tell in this picture, its hard to explain)

I am gonna miss her smallness, but am so excited for her to get bigger! She will get up to about my knee.
Isla is half husky half german shepherd. ... and i Love her. She is getting her shots tomorrow! wish her luck!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Weekend!
It really did turn out pretty fun. Any one who knows me knows that i am obsessed with turtles. I wish i had one everyday. If only my parents would be so kind as to let me have one. once i move out turtle will be on the top of the list of things to get. I mean honestly how cute do me and this turtle look together? its Meant to be!

So after the little detour to Petsmart that i insisted on, we went to nickel cade. Which is actually now nickel city. The location moved, so we decided to follow... we got there and....
ITS DATE NIGHT! holy crap. I think every guy from college thought that their college girlfriend would just love that place. My gosh. We were the only four girls there without a guy. WE seriously had low self esteem after that... so obviously we needed chocolate.
NO! just kidding! IT just so happened that by the old location of NIckel cade, a new cafe had opened. It was the cHocolate cafe. and let me tell you, oh so good.

Its easily one of my new favorite places to go to. It was just a small cafe with an upstairs and downstairs, the home used to be a pioneer village. They had the most adorable antique furniture and little lights surrounding all of their windows. Such a cozy feel. Please give it a try.

I got the most amazing cupcake. It was carmel. Kaitlyn got a german chocolate cupcake and Em and LInds got a classic, but delicious slice of red velvet cake.
LInds and I also got their hot chocolate. Oh my goodness it made me think of the movie chocolat(love that movie, please watch. This place really just made me think of it the whole time) ... Anyway, our hot chocolate was flavored spice. It was SO Good. I have been craving one every second since.
I cant wait to go back. If anyone goes, please tell me how you liked it!

P.s. EverYONE! I am a godmother! to the cutest puppy ever! I cant wait to show you all pictures! SHe is my baby!

Monday, February 22, 2010

So this past week two of my favorite people celebrated their Birthdays
Cassidy Nielsen: Feb 20
My daddy Scott Nielsen: Feb 21
Cassidy came into my Hairschool with all of her friends and got their hair and nails done for her party.
She looks a bit silly in this picture, but you get the idea
All of her friends with their hair all done.
Next... My dads birthday. I dont know if he'd be happy if i was announcing this on the internet, but he turned 45! cAN you belIeve that? I cant wrap my head around it. HE really is the best dad, I dont know what i would do with out him. Hes my best friend

I love these two people so very much, my life wouldn't be the same without them. Heavenly Father knew i needed them. I am so grateful for them. . . . HapPy BIrthday.

Dear Burglar,
Whoever you are. Please stop. I am sick of being scared in my own neighborhood.
Jennica Nielsen

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Cupcake vs. Benton

okay. who would rather have a cup cake over a night of Benton Paul?
But it'd be a pretty close second.
This weekend our Friday night plans got ruined. When you see on his twitter that his tickets are going fast, pretty sure he means it. We postponed buying our tickets and they ended up getting sold out. It was the worst news.
Instead, we went to this great chocolate cafe. (pictures and the story of the adventure coming)
I HAd to share this picture below!

If you cant admit he is one SesKi man, i'd prefer if you would not talk to me anymore.
March 12th his new movie Remember Me is coming out!
I cant wait! and guess what else comes out the same day....
SHowing for the first time in the commercials before Remember Me-
The EclipSE Trailer.
Two things to look forward to


Thursday, February 18, 2010


Last POst = Greys Anatomy, my daily dose. Its ON tonight, looking forward to that one hour tonight is seriously what is getting me through this day...

Emily. Can i just say she is the funniest girl aLIvE? I was having a terrible day yesterday, but after young womens when we were outside Lindsays house she made me laugh harder then... i think ever?
Harry POtter was the topic of our entertainment.
I guess you had to have been there, but you know those Christmas light reindeer people put in their yard? Well she was like WOw JEnn, That reindeer it scared me... Harry POtters dad just stopped by to say hello. I was roaring with laughter. If you dont get, please watch the third Harry POtter movie, when Harry and his godfather are by the lake swarmed with dementors.

Emily, found this one the wall at our school and i thought it was the most brilliant thing anyone could have done!! In the small writing if you cant see it spells 'stupid muggles'

Here I am, sitting at home, blogging, spending extra long getting ready, reading things extra slowly, just so i dont have to go to school. I dont want to go. I have already missed about forty minutes, just seeing what i can do to extend it longer.

Ryann and I, getting our nose hairs waxed at school....

I just wish i could be wherever this picture is ^ ...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

Valentines Day:
Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. ~Albert Einstein

Oh Valentines Day, In the past I havent given much thought to this day, i've never really had a lover, the 14th of February is just an ordinary day. Today is different for me, I have been babysitting my sisters all week and today it hasn't been about having a lover or not... its just been about being with my family and friends. They are just the greatest people ever.

I love:
.Wishing on fallen eye lashes
.Old Vintage Fans
.Scruff on Males
.Coffee Shop Reading
.Dreaming up decorating ideas for my house to be
.Post cards
.Old couples holding hands
.When strangers smile at me in passing
.Finer Painting
.When your lover puts his hands on your waist

.Garage Sales
.Reading while taking a bubble bath
.When people stand on their tippy toes
.tire swings
.not having to set an alarm
.When peoples hair smell like their shampoo
.Cheesy love stories
.The sound of the harmonica
.Hard Cover books
.The smell of fresh sheets at nights


.British accents
.The way the Irish sing
.Walking home at nights when its warm
.Holding hands
.Curly dark hair
.Whistling (andrew bird especially)
.Back Rubs
.Running through sprinklers
.Writing on foggy windows
.Jane Austen
.Record Player Machines
.Eating cotton candy
.When i am driving and i can see people with balloons in their car

Happy Valentines Day.
Love you all
Xo Ox xo

Friday, February 12, 2010

Lets take a moment to recognize the best kiss of all time.

Today I had the fortunate opportunity to stay home and do absolutely nothing! I slept, read tons and watched one of the best movies of all time... Penelope.

Can i just say this kiss is the best i have ever seen. The first time i watched this movie i rewinded the kiss a total of 9 times.

and.. i am proud to say i maintained this record once again today.

Enjoy and watch as many times as you'd like.

-Jay Ennica :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

So... Its been a while and i feel like there is so much to tell! I have been babysitting all week while my parents have been out of town, they just got back a couple hours ago and are leaving again tomorrow night! It crazy being the mom, going to school all day and then coming home and cleaning.
But, after the weekend, Me and my dear friend Emily had our cake decorating class on Monday. Sunday we made the cakes and monday we were going to take them out and frost them so we could decorate them that night....
Well let me tell you... IT was a DIsasteR! The cakes kept breakin in half and we had no idea what was wrong, all in all we worked hard, made it work and they ended up turning fantastic! At the class that night we learned how to do roses and such. so great.
Because all day monday we were making cake i figured we needed to treat ourselves so Emily and I made creme brulee and let me tell you, it was DELICIOUS!

NOw Now... For the Post i should have done long ago.
The enchanting Tea party.
We did this party as a gift for Rachelle, her tea set we ordered for her as a birthday gift finally came in the mail.
It was so lively, merry, and pleasant.
-we dressed up all fancy and had delectables such as
Pepperoni and Asiago Pinwheels, Chocolate Teacups with vanilla mousse, Chicken and Tarragon Fettucine, Raspberry and almond salad, lemon buttermilk sorbet(had to easily be my favorite of the whole meal) with lemon bars. Jessica brought an hor dourve and Haddy brought cupcakes!

Dinner was so great, i didnt want it to end, but at the same time... i did. because after dinner ment we were going to see Dear John. At first i thought yeah, it was good, but the more i think about it now the more i like it. :)
Ex o ex o

Friday, February 5, 2010

Today is the day...

You can expect a little post of both pictures tomorrow.
Excited for today,

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Here is the thing....

SCHool is getting BORING.

I finished my January worksheet about a week ago, we dont have Februarys yet and i dont want to do my perms....

So I took out my dreads, which was the longest of all processes. (My head was super tender, THankyOU so much Jessica for taking them out and spending all of that time on my head! It meant a great deal)
ANd. Lindsay and Emily came in and i curled their hair for them. It was just super great, i love when my friends come in and visit me.

I feel like there are so many birthdays this month. Happy Birthday all.

Valentines Day is coming up. I've never really cared much for the day, but then again i have never really had great valentines to give out. Its different this year! I cant wait to give them to everyone, they are hilarious!

PLease Pray for me that school WILL get better, I really dont want to get up and go in the morning.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Letters to you.

So... Its true. I am stealing the idea of 'stolen letters'
Dear Headaches, not trying to be rude, but can you please go away.
Dear John, can you come out already?
Dear Vegas Group, (I=copy Jess) When is April going to come? I cant wait to get out on the road with you. . . . have adventures. I am glad we are a group.
Dear Warm Weather, Where are yoU? i swear your not going to come back ever! I miss you, i miss riding my bike, i miss hiking, i miss freckles.
Dear Cake Decorating Class, I am so excited to start you and learn!
Dear Closet, please get new clothes soon and fill up all
that extra space.
Dear Blockbuster, i am dissappointed that you have
NOT had my movies lately (How to be, imparticular)
Dear the book Loving Mr. Darcy, PLease stop being so good! my goodness, i cant put you down and your
distracting me from all my responsibilities... we need to
come up with a compromise? I love you tho...
-JeNny From the Block

To Good To Be True

One Name. Casey O'Connell

My Favorite ^^^^

Another Favorite ^^

I dont think its possible to get across how much i love these paintings.
They are to wonderful for words.
Check out all of her photos, especially her new ones at: