Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Weekly Update.

Its True. Today i did get temporary dreadlocks hahah....

MOndays=Saturdays in the life of a hair dresser.
Its the Worst. . . I still have to get up early to go to my one period of highschool,
but this MOnday it was pretty fun, me and my girlfriends from hairschool got together and went to Los Hermanos, it was DEliCIOUS! We got delicious drinks because we wore are shirts and we... pretended it was Ryanns birthday, dont tell! I had such a great time, they are the greatest of humans.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Is this Appropriate?

Blake Lewis
You dont really realize the influence people have or have had on you in your life until they are gone... or just about to leave.
Blake is leaving Wednesday for the MTC.
and then to Ecuador.
For Two YEars.
He will be serving a mission for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints.
I went to his farewell today,
he gave such a wonderful talk.
I am so happy for him, but so sad to see him leave.
I am going to miss him.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I L.O.V.E.

-Looking in recipe books, especially in the dessert section
- Rain Boots
- Red Velvet and Dark Chocolate Ice Cream
- PLaying the piano, listening to others play ... i hope my husband will play.
- Buttons
- Little Notes, from a friend or loved one.
- Side Walk Chalk
- Charcoal (For Drawing)
- Twilight Woods lotion
- Hot Chocolate (with lots of whipped cream)
- Red Boots
- Chai Tea
- The smell of honey, lilac,and oranges together.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Its Back.

Oh how I have been over filled with joy. My favorite show has been taking a break... to long of a break. BUT ITS BACK. Yesterday the 14th, it came on at last. and to make it better it was 2 hours! I LOVe. THEsE. TWO MEn. THEy are Ah-DorABle.

... IZzie Comes back next week!

January 13th:
One of my best friends was born.
19 Years ago.
Rachelle Griffiths.

I love her so very much. She is one of the kindest caring people i know.
Things I LOVe: about Rachelle:
1. She loves REd Nail Polish.
2. She cant hold a grudge for the life of her
3. I admire the way she is selfless.
4. Her Laugh
5. Her sense of Humor. . . IF you ONly KNEW!
She makes me a better person and i am so grateful i have her as a friend.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

Arrghh the weekend i had.

Oh How me and my friends are just CrazY about Pirate Island. Its the best place to be! I had the best time on friday with Lindsay, Emily, Rachelle, Jessica, Brandee, Haddy, Caitlyn, and Tanner. We got the Krankin size pizza! IT was HUGE. The guy did not believe we could eat it all... after gagging it down for about the last 1/2 hr of our meal we finally FINIShed! He was so proud he gave us a pRize! exTra TOKeNS! You know what that means... MORE games!
This here is the size of the KranKIN.
Here Here. we are. sporting our pirate hats.

and Again! We had such a good time, Tanner was so kind to buy our meal so we put our tickets together and got Tann tann the best gift ever.... hahha a sword, an eye patch... and best of all a glass dolphin that rocks back and forth on a metal stand..... :D
After our Dinner and game parttee.e we went and saw the greatest movie of all time. LEAP YEar. It was such a hilarious movie, so cute too. And the main guy, let me tell you is quite the catch. Go see the movie, you'll absolutely LoVe IT.

This weekend is Preference for my school, i didnt ask anyone...
I am sad... because its what i have always wanted to have ...
So... this weekend i hope to be able to
A. Get dressed up
B. Wear the greatest and raddest of masks
C. Have a tEa party with the friends.


My WeeK n 1/2

Christmas feels so LONG ago now... It's taken me forever to actually get these pictures up and to BLog! I had a great Christmas, i got a lot of things that i will be using as i grow up and move out of my house! I got a satellite printer for my lap top and a set of luggage.

yes, i did make this snowman. This was Christmas day, i went and visited Linds to see how her Christmas was

Christmas was just so great, we went and saw one of my NOw very favorite movies.. . . SHERLOcK HOlMEs.
We went then went out to dinner with my dads family.

Above was New Years Eve, it started out as an evening of boredom... which quickly changed to one of the most funnest of nights. We made our own pizzas! Played tons of card games and had a great time in each others company.

Over the week it was so nice to relax. I seriously read about four books and watched movies movies movies with Lindsay. I got to go shopping and get new clothes, something i have been wanting to do for far to long... i finally got some money for it from my ma and dad for Christmas. It was a great week 1/2 alL N all.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I believe a Happy Christmas and Happy New Year are in order

Everyone! Happy Christmas! HAppy New Year!
This past year has been a realll great one!
I have been so busy, but as i look at it now, its good to see
how much i have acComPlisheD.
I had the most wonderful Christmas with my family.
I really want to tell you guys more about my Christmas and the break,
but the truth is. Its late. .. . and its not over! thank heavens!
I've been trying to get a few pictures over the break, so when it is...
blogging will be in
SessIon. With mAjoR picTure UpLOads.

There is just one thing i have been doing over the break that
you guys should be in on.
Mossttlly because of these videos.
Me and my Best, Lindsay have been on chick flick mode.
All we want to do is watch movies... about love.
So we HAVE. and i wanted to share my favorite moements of them.

First we have...
PRide And PreJudice
If you would be so kind to watch the whole video that would be swell.
PLease note and take more emphasis in my favorite part.
It is around 3:11 -
The Whole phrase, but the i love i love i love you. really just makes my tears FLOW.

A wALk To ReMemBEErr:

Oh how dear this movie is to us, we just finished it for the SECOND time.

I did want to show you the video of the proposal, which i LOVe,
but i really wanted to show you the relationship... which makes the proposal.
Jamie has a list of things to accomplish, on this date he checks some things off her list.

MIght be silly, but i think ... we just cant wait!
We are out of video ideas, PLease Help.
what Are you FAvOriTe Love <3>

xo Xo.
