Saturday, October 30, 2010



All girl Halloween party last night!
We had the most delicious dinner, Pumpkin curry soup,
witch finger breadsticks, salads. WE played pictionary telephone,
Vampire Count, and then watched Hocus Pocus & had a sleepover.

(^^ The gang)


(^^My Costume as a witch, dont you just love the chin and nose)

(^^Cooking dinner)

Good Times. Hallowseve is tonight, have fun everyone!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Favorite Week.

Its my favorite week of allz the dayz. The week before Halloween. Its when all the good movies on Disney Channel and abc Fam come on... its the week i get to carve and paint pumpkins (pictures coming soon) .. . its the week of parties, its the week of the Forum fashion show (which i am so going to tonight) . . . its the week of haunted houses and mazes... Last night (this picture= one of them) We wnt to Cornbellys for singles ward, it started out really fun, then kinda dragged on after we had fallen in the mud a few times...

Monday, October 25, 2010


This past weekend i had the most amazing opportunity to go to Snowbird with My friend Sidney and Mckenzie. I had such a good time, it was so great to just get away and not worry about anything but having fun for a couple of days! Snowbird is stunning right now, we had an amazing view from our balcony, but going up and down from our lodge. . . it was just breath taking. The pictures below are some of my favorite times we had :)
HOt chocolate: It was delcious. we used a whole can of whipped cream. Delish!!

Because we are so in the Halloween spirit :) we got a pumpkin shaped/looking pizza! It was so yummy. Sid was our mamma and made everything for us! she cooked it to perfection. (not to mention the bredsticks)

Just driving in the car! looking at the view... not to mention the fact that we listened to davey arch, Tons of lizzie M movie soundtrack and Hilary Duff.

I love frozen yogurt. We tried this new place, the pumpkin flavored was the best yog i have had in a while. I am in love and am cravvvinng again. Sidenote: It totally DISTURBED us when we saw the 2 people working making out in the back and being all lovey. (not at work)

Sidney. Mckenzie. Me. Our place = Chilis. Whenever we want to go to dinn, this is the place!!

I had such an amazing time. Love myy girls :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

-Fall. Its beautiful out.
-Bought Harry P Midnight tickets.
-Leaving tomorrow.
Going to snowbird with my girls.
I just cant wait to get away for a bit.
-Halloween work party Saturday :)
-I wonder what life would be like....
If we didnt have to worry about making
everyone else happy and we just did things for us.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Do you ever dream of me?

Fork Fest. Fork Fest. Fork Fest. Fork Fest. This is what makes me feel good about living in Highland Ut. 37 Local bands, singas came together and performed for us all day. fo free. My FavesEE. Jennifer Blosil (pic above) did an amazing job. Not to mention a wonderful close to the evening, Joshua James.
Linds and I.
Photobooth Goodness.
Went to Kyles farewell today. (met this man on HT) Love him to death. Ukraine is LuckEe.
Went to Carsons homecoming. Boy oHz boy. missions change em.
At current i am having major troubles.
Thanks <3>
I am going to Snowbird this week with my gals Sid and Kenz.
So exxxcited!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Do you ever have those days where you just wannt ttto cry and cry. and you are not even on your period or close to starting? That was me. Yesterday.
I dont exactly know why i was soo. emotional.. It all came on at work! work! I had watched the kiddies in the morning and went to work at nine. I finished the second book in this series i've been reading, the book is called The Iron Daughter. So goood. I finished it at work. It mostly ended the way i wanted it to, she got her true love. and then i just started crying. at work. at WORk. Partly because the book was over?? (so glad to find out the third one is coming out in Feb) because she has a true love and i dont?? I have no idea what was wrong? Then i started missing my best friend Tanner. Realized i had to figure out my stupid boy problems right now. Have to figure out what i want in life. Why cant i go on a service missionn or an internship right now, drop everything and go. this second? I dont get why I am in this rutt right now, why cant i be like everyone else and just know i need to go to college or something?
Enough. enough about my Meltdownn. Please do not judge me for that.
The day went on, i was still emotionally drained, but it ended good. Emily and have been wanting to make Halloween sugar cookies! so we did. With tons of other girls too(it twas a party). We also played the new game called pictionary telephone and our fave, hearthrob. We then ended the night with the movie invisible.

Excited for Halloween.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Love for the lil ones.

For the past week i have had cereal for lunch every single day. And for some reason it hasnt seemed like my mom has been in the realll let make dinner type a vibe. Not to mention the fact that there is noO. food in my house. I got home from Emilys house last night (we watched some greys) and i looked at my brother. I think he saw the hunger in my face. We knew we had to find food somehow.. so we decided to make a 11:30 del Taco run.

Its so good to spend time with my lil bro. I just love him.
This morning I got up early and took my babes out. We went to petsmart and the toy store. They loved watching the animals and playing with toyyzz. We then went and got ice cream :)... DelISh.

I had so many people tell me MY kids were so cute, or they'd ask if they were mine. I wish i could say yes. Because really! . . .Aren't they the cutest?
I'll be with them again tomorrow morning. Love these little ones.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy BurfdaY to me.

October 8th. I was sitting in the car with Riley, he was taking me home. Then the clock hit 12:01. IT was now 0ctober 9th. WOW. I was now 19. 19. OCtober 9th, i was born. I had such an amazing birthday this year. The whole day just seemed perfect. My friends woke me up singing up Happy Birthday. They made me pumpkin scones with a spiced glaze. It was absolutely delcious. I LOVE. anything with pumpkin. After going to my brothers soccer game, my family took me to Tucanos. It was absolutely delicious. I love their rolls with cheeze in them, not to mention the cooked pineapple. After that we went and got my birthday present. I got the most beautiful PHONE! New, touch screen. internet. beauty working machine. I love it. I then met my friends. We went and saw Life As We Know It. I died. The movie was hilarious and so cute. Must see.

We went to my house had brownies and food. Then. we went to Comedy sportz. Can I just tell you how funny this place is? It is kind of like a Whos Line is it anyway. Everything made up on the spot. Reynolds, the funniest man on earth was there performing. This place would be the best for a date or something, GO! Its in provo and is pretty reasonable. AFTER THAT. . . we went to Rachelle and Emilys and played pictionary telephone. This was hilarious. We got out some pretty good harry potter pictures. M favorite one was when harry p was giving me a lap dance for my birthday hahah. I didnt go home until like 3. Long birthday day of Happiness filled with so much fun. Thanks to all my bests who made it so much fun and gave me the most beautiful gifts.Birthday is over, until next year (ew. ill be 20 then.) Sunday My brother and i made no bake cookies. We are obsessed with them. (I've already had 5 today.) sister also made muddie buddies and popcorn. I ate so much.... while... i was watching HARRY POTTER. Numba 5 and 6!I Had such an amazing weekend.. I love my friends and family.
i love church. i love Joseph Smith. (HT) Joseph Smith said something like(paraphrase).....
"To be saved, we must try and save others"
I really like it.
-JAy. HEn. ICk. A

Saturday, October 2, 2010

As of late

I dont know whats been wrong with me.

I have so much to say, but i haven't felt like blogging one bit.

But here I am.. . not that anyone really reads this anyway.
We will start with last weekend:
I went and played Tennis with Riley on Saturday. um, that was embarassing. He played with his left hand and still won. After, we had a nice little picnic. and huge debate of how you make a PB and J sandwich. Do you think its better with the Peanut Butter on the top or the bottom? And after that, we went to Maggie Moo's where we first met and worked together. Our bosses Jen and Doug were absolutely in love with him. He loved that place. I did, but after two years of working therem my feelings really started to change.
I didnt do much through out the week, just worked a ton!! getting ready for halloween.
This weekend was great. great. great.
Thursday i went bowling with Riley and a couple other people. That again was really embarassing. I made us always lose. luckily he is really nice about it and still puts up with me :)
Friday: had a sleepover at Emilys. such a fun night with all of our friends.
-Alllsooo. Sometime between these weeks we got a little crazy with TP if you know what i mean :) Blast n 1/2.
Tonight. I am so so so excited!!! I am getting together with my roomies from Heritage Tours. Its crazy over three weeks how close we became. I'll still will always think of these girls as my best friends. I love them.

Rebekah is missing from the picture above^. But i just loved this picture. This is when we caught fireflies. They were absolutely beautiful in the nights sky. After we let them loose in our room and went to sleep. Funny thing. Someone thought the fire alarm was one of them and i thought the peep hole to our door was one. you had to be there. funny times.
I put this picture on. Its from the midnight of Eclipse. That night was a blast, i am just so excited because its coming out on dvd Dec. 4.
I am so excited for Halloween. We are going to have the best Halloween party.
and dont worry, preparations for the Harry POtter party are already in action.

Loves: Jay.