Thursday, November 18, 2010

baby V.

I have had so much going on that i cant wait to tell you guys. Just a reallz funn time as of late, but me telling you is going to have to wait... My computer has a virus right now and basically wont let me do anything!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pie for Potter.

Ohh PIe. PIE. PIE!
pretty sure its the only good thing about THanksgiving.
Yesterday night my neighbors did Pie Fhe night. It was so fun to get nine different slices of pie and just dig. dig. dig. IN!
-Pumpkin still has to be one of my favesss flavor of pie. Easily.

Draco: Sure you can manage that broom, Potter?
Harry: Yeah, reckon so
Draco: Got plenty of special features, hasn't it? Shame it doesn't come with a parachute-in case you get too near a Dementor.
Harry: Pity you can't attach an extra arm to yours, Malfoy. Then it could catch the Snitch for you.

WHY is harry potter the only thing on my mind right now? oh Yeah! because it comes out SHooo soon.
I feel like i am going to be a failure this year ... the costume just hasnt and is not coming together.
what do i do? any body have any bright green suit/skirt attire i could borrow? :) It'd be much appreciated.
-Finished the 7th Harry p.
-The plans are coming together and this party is going to be Magical (hahha)
<3, Jn.
-Shout out To my baybay. Branda.(Brandee) heheh.

Monday, November 8, 2010


I dont know what i liked more yesterday.... The fact that we had the most awesome dnner. We used to do it all the time. You sit on the groud and there is this huge pot of boiling water, you just throw tons of stuff in. Steak, chicken, cabbage, shrimp, beans... anything rreally. Then after a minute its done cooking and you put it on top of a bowl of rice with this spicy ssaaaucccee.. Its delish.

Or... it could be the fact that my mom made her amazing to die for sinful brownies. Or the FACT THAT I HAD EGG NOG. FIRST OF THE SEASON!! best. best. best.
Or.. the fact that i totally caught up on tons of HANNAH MONTANNA. dang. i forgot how good that show is. I was laughing non stop. and dannngg girl. your boif is yummmmmiiieee.

Can i just say i forgot to tell you guys the most funny thing that happened while i was babysitting.... this isnt jackson in the picture (but i just loved this picture of lulu) while we were eating dinner the news was just on from a show that was on earlier, and it was talking about serial killers i didnt really think anything of it.... but then an hour later jack asks me, "Jennica, what is a serial killer" haha. oh no. i just told him it was a bad person. . . . then a few minutes later he asked. jennica, is a serial killer a person kills people who only eat cereal?
I couldnt hold it in. I was just laughing so hard.
tooo good. toooo good i tell you

Sunday, November 7, 2010

'arry podder. (doesn't even relate to post)

This week I did a few fun things.
-Hale Center Theater
-Went to Desert Noises fareweelllll show.
-Babysittttt. my babiess (lu, co, and jack)
-Went mini golfing
(The picture is Tyler, Me, and Justin at Trafalga).
Its been really good playing with new friend and old friends.
i like them, i do.
Brandee and i went and visited Jana, Tann tanns momma. It was kinda a shock when Jake, tanners brother, sounded just like him. Immitating things he would do... I was tearing up sooo bad. . .. I miss him so.
Church was good today, i feel like i am finally making some friends :)
I am starving and craving a reeses peanut butter cup and a cinnamon roll?
-Jenny From YOUR block.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Lets do this Mother.

Yesterday.Yesterday. I layed in bed until 12:30. Not a good sign haha. I am not trying to express sadness or depression in these posts! Went to Cafe, got some ice cream and seriously was starting to feel so much better about life! Went to work and after the fam and I went to the Scarlet Pimpernel at Hale Center theater. It was absolutely hilarious, my brother got me laughing prettttyy Darn hard! Why is he just so amazing?



haha Armond was in love with my brother.
I know none of this makes any sense, but it was goodto finally smile and laugh. I am so done feeling rotten. -This isNT me. & when has it ever been?
-so here is to life. -I'm gonna kick your ass.
(pardon the frenchhh....)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Chosen One.

Hi, i am back. And well.... i think?.... Better anyway! I think i have just decded to let all my problems go. I dont want to deal with any of them. Everyones posts have helped me. They seem to have hit the spot. I have felt so alone. But today, i got most excited. There are only 15 days until HP party. Until i get to see the movie.

This was one of the pumpkins i was telling you about! - Totally painted it. The other one is just the sumbol HP which i carved.
I thought these pictures were just best.
Do you guys have any suggestions of what i should dress up as for this Harry P party?

Monday, November 1, 2010


Today is the worst of all dayz..
Laying in bed, hoping to fall asleep sooner.