Wednesday, February 23, 2011


haha LysSs.
<--- This here is Alyssa. We used to be such good friends... why did we ever stop? who KNOWS
Last night we got together and just talked for hours about everything in life. I think she is hilarious. I love her laugh and i just am so happy that our friendship was still there and is definitely going to GROW more now.
Has anyone done any really fun singles ward activities? if you have annyyy ideas PLEASE comment and let me know! I am kinda stressing because i have to plan one and i have NO NO NO IDEA what to do... HELP. PLEASE.
Gary.Berry: (sorry to put this on theEe BLog)
butttt. you never read this blogg blog anyway.
I am so in like with you.
thanks so much for talking to me last night. you always make me feel better. <3.
and because you dont read this i can totes say with out you knowing...
i cant resist you.
( u r so right )
-I HATE Scarfs. hate.
-I missed Melissa so much while she was gone.
-So scared for my math mid term today.

Monday, February 21, 2011

"I'm just a regular 16 yr. old kid. I make good grilled cheese and i like girls" - JuSTinB.

This weekend has been a fun one - Thats for sure. Aubrey was once again in TOWN. which just feels like a party EVERY night. She is basically one of the best things in life. So we made pie and played settlers... these are the pictures from that night ^^^
we played ping pong
and SKIP BO. - aubrey oF course won AGAIN. . . ughhh. i need to somehow get in that head of hers and see how she does it.
We played nertz and had ice cream.
Today i woke up at 12. I love presidents day.
Happy birthday DAD and CASSIDY
I love you guys more than you know! :)

I also love JUSTIN BIEBER.... just saying. :)

Quotes of the week:

"He really gets up on that mini fridge" - Lindsay
"He is like edward collins and likes to watch me sleep" - Kenz
"I dont know how to classify this other than jerk" - Random Dood in my english class.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I am a belieber.


TUCANOS. LInds and i had been talking about going forever... AUbrey is in town so totally wanted her to join. I was so proud of her for all the new crazy things that she tried. This place was DELISH.
6 months later... WE ALL HAD MAJOR FOOD BABIES
and could not eat one more thing for the rest of the day... i am still not very hungry. Crazzyyy right?
we went and saw the freakin Justin Bieber movie... OKay here is the thing. I kinda love how everyone is like i <3 justin and im like whats the big deal? he is like 5. I heard this movie was so amazing so i wanted to go see it not so i would necessarily like him, but just so i wouldnt hate him and find him so ridiculous.
Dont Underestimate the power of the biebs.
I AM A BELIEBER. -sorrry about it.
(and the gleee bieber episode. SO GOOD)

Later that night we made pies...
well i mostly just watched and scaled a few things.
I also played settlers with Michael and some of his creww.

Friday, February 18, 2011

PLans for the future: Dominate

YOU COULD CALL IT a guilty pleasure....
Lindsay and I finally got the very last book of the CLIQUE. Tears are literally falling down my face when i think about this book series endings.
Its brought so much joy into my life! :)

^^^ We like to run with the wild horses.... SO WHAT?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


She brought me these SO Yummm GOODness Sweets today at work.
I <3 <3 <3 any type of sweet at any time of the day :)


THis is the most recent... going backwards.

do you know how upset that made me? I just want to read it. get it out of my system. that way i can focus on these stupid MID TERMS.

Feb 14th. The day of LURVe. Valentines Day. I've never really been one that hated the holiday... i've never been super excited for it either...
but i really liked this valentimmes day.

I spent it with him ^^
Isnt he like a TOTAL BABE? We went and saw Gnomeo and Juliet :) i like it and have decided that once i have my greenhouse i want to also have a collection of gnomes/gnome garden :)

Feb 13th (/ a bit of the 11th)
These are some of the pictures from the party we had for Danielle. She left today ... i am going to miss her so much, but i know she will be an amazing missionary. I know this was the right thing for her.
Pictures also after he farewell talk.

FEB 12th. Tonight. we made the most amazing dinner EVER. i want it again. right now. i mea looks at this DELISh. Us. NEss.

^^ So GOOD am i right?
after dinner we watched this mOVIE
-why does this video = the best thing of life?


THe good times.
excited for this weekend:
-Tucanos for lungch
-Aubrey in town
-Making Pies

Favorite quotes of the week:
-"Dont let your eyes go like this from all the rice" - Danielles cleaning lady
-"She needs to feel the pain" - Cassidy
-"In the end he's just gonna break her heart" - Cassidy

Saturday, February 12, 2011

^^^^ this was us at UVU. NO one had showered :) i like those days the most. ^^^^

Yesterday was a really hard day for me
*Someone really close to me got hurt from what some stupid bitches said.
*I was not getting along with my parents at all.
*Danielle had a going away party... because she is... GOIng away :( (pictures coming soon)

Things that i really liked about yesterday
*My brother made me bench 10 reps - 75 pounds. I actually like going with my bro to the gym, we normally just look at each other from across the room and start dancing. I think this bench thing is going to become a usual occurence.
*Had Cheese fondue and chocolate fondue which means = chocolate covered pringles. DELISH.
*All the journal entries from linds about gary and I.
*Meditating. I leared a few different technicques on how to meditate in my stress magaement class. Its seriously something i want to start doing every day. It really works!!
*making a huge bright little pink Bow with Rachelle so we can be VALENTINES.
*HItting at the batting cage <3
*Aubreys home.

There are less Lemons... but each one was a BIG BIG lemon.
p.s. Anyway know any really good/cheap rent in orem or provo? - i'm hoping to move out asap.

Friday, February 11, 2011


I have never been one of those girls...
The ones that have a folder on their computer,
filled with things they want for their wedding.
Until Today.
I now have a folder with 38 pictures
I dont know why. Why now?

Its the cutest album. I dont want to share to many of my ideas tho hahaha :) jokes. jokes.

Favorite quotes:
"Garthy the flip flap" -Lindsay Ivie
"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love" - Mother Teresa
"When i saw you i fell in love and you smiled because you knew" - Shakespeare.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

stateoftheunion-by j.n.

Favorite quote of the week:
"Again if you dont call me ill maybe even throw in a slit wrist and a shaved head."

He is my favorite. This is my favorite.

Whenever something happens with boys or other drama happens in my night...
I come home. Go into my bathroom brush my teeth. Go into my brothers room. Take off my shoes. And just hop into his bed with him and tell him everything that went Dowwwnn.
He is there for my when i'm about to cry. or he makes me laff... and still talks to me even tho i wake him up at like 1 in the morning and he is tired.
Wee hadnt done this in a while... until last night :)
This is one of my favorite things in the world :)
really :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

So i ammmm copyings LE.I. She just did a happy post. and i am going to do the same....
I feel like i've been down in te dumps so the best thing to get me out of it is to realize the positive GOOD things going on around me. RIGHT?
Things that have been making me Happy (asoflate):

1. Going shopping with Lindsay for HAIR product. Its one of my favorite things to just talk and talk about. Its the thing that i know so well.
2. I am currently painting a picture of Christ. Its beautiful and i am so happy with the way its turning out.
3. Gary is home
4. Pringles
5. Gilmore Girls and the Bachelor
6. Shopping for horse t-shirts.
7. Funny voicemails that hit the spot.
8. Getting 3 books for 5 bucks.
9. Seeing other people really happy with the way their life is going
10. Sweaters and Leggings.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Babesille Boston On the loose.

YOU might be asking why this dog deserves a whole post... BUT IT DOES. Look at him. Isn't Boston the cutest babe in the town? Im in Love with his kisses and cuddles :)

We are watching him, he is our family friends dog.
But i'd gladly steal him.
4 4ever.

-I hate having a math test every week
-I want a dog the MOST
-I miss Gary
-I miss Aubrey
-Valentines day is coming up
-I want to be more spontaneous in everything i do
-I am getting very nervous for my ILP interview on Thursday
-I feel like i need to talk to my parents more on Ukraine...
-Gary is probably going back out on a mish
-I miss my best friend tanner everyday
-Lately when i think about him i start crying..
-I'm kinda old actually...
-I've realized i miss my sitting place at the cemetery
-and my bike
-and the sun
-I dont know how i am going to start a 5th class soon. 4 is already stressing me out enough
-I want to find neverland more than ever
-I want a smoothie
-and more sleep
-I want to set aside a day to PAINT. where i think of nothing else. do nothing else.
-I am nervous to babysit new people 2morrow
Peace. IN.


Every minute you spend with someone gives them a part of your life and takes part of theirs.
from the book i'm reading.
Yesterday after school i went straight to Melissas apartment.
We were having a night full of
Rory and Paris were
eating chinese.
so this is us:
"that chinese sounds good".
"yeah, it does."
"wanna go get some?"
Then we were off.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Krispy Kreepes.

Why are we weird?
This past weekend. The cops came and ended the dance party. Are we all underage? yes. i know its crazy. people are jumping off chairs. and we are getting out of hand.
SORRY ABOUT IT... actually you know what. im not.
Everyone just needs to CHILL. its a party. Get orr it.
We pretended we were 'fixing bikes' but in realll life the girls and i took some cUhl-arious pictures on the machines.
Aubrey was here for the weekend. Didnt get to see her much, but when i did it was happines ^10. (happiness to the tenth power)
Sunday = Devil Wears Prada
MOnday= Gary and i went to no strings attached. I still dont know how i feel about it. I think i liked it, but i was definitely hoping for more... (its probably because we talked during 1/2 the movie. not about the movie) - we were the only ones in the theater.
-skool is seriously killing me right now. I have soo much homework all the time and NO motivation for any. of. it.
-Lindsay Climbed into a garbage can yesterday. That was funny...
-I still love Farrs Yogurt. Lots. (melissa, linds, gary, and i went there yesterday)
-I havent watched the bachelor yet... watching ASAP. ( i dont know how it got me hooked. i dont. i dont... but it DID)
-I just started reading the book matched and am loving it thus far
-we are out of towels at my work and everyone is complaining to me.
Sorry about it.
Shout out tooooo: 1. L.E.I. 2. Brandth. 3. EmDAwg. 4.Gary. 5. Aubrey. 6.Danielle(going to missyousweetiepie) 7.Rocky Balboa (shelleybelley). 8. eharmony. 9.Melissa Crisp Findeis
10. Natasha Beddingfield. 11. The wild horses that i want to be like.
I want to run with the wild horses.....