Saturday, January 29, 2011

okay... this is weird. Why is there cake?

I forgot to blog about one of the best weekends i've had in a really long time.
Its TIARRAS birthday today, so i decided to relive the moment with you guys.
Tiarra has been one of my greatest friends.... It all started in 9th grade when we helped each other get ... what seemed like at the time, the worst break up! ever. She is always inspiring me with her music. She is such a kind person who I am so happy to say, is still one of my greatest friends. She has had such an influence on life, for the better.
Her below in the yellow shirt.
Here in the black sweatshirt. :) this is how our night went.... We all got together. OUR GANG. from 9th grade! No one ditched out, everyone was there. It just proved to me that you can go a long time with out seeing each other, but the love we have for one another is still there. It was like we were never apart. So easy to talk to one another. So easy . . . and SO much fun. We sat and talked for hourss. hourss.
Took some pictures. WATCHED mean girls. How i love that movie so much. Then we went to Ihop!! It was deeelishh. We didnt get home until like 5:30 in the morning! ... We then went to bed. I had to be up and off at 8 so i could get to Work. CAN YOU SAY NO SLEEP? but it was totally worth it... to see my girls again... and T before she left.
We promised each other that we would do this more often. WHY HAVENT WE?
Tiarra Just moved to Nashville... I miss her so much.
She is there doing the thing she loves, MUSIC! I wish her the best of luck, i know she will be brilliant :)
Love you T and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sorry about it.

I want to go



What was i supposed to do, let her die?

I dont KNOW WHAT TO BLOG ABOUT! I dont want to just write about my weekends...
i dont think you want to hear just about school....
So if you dont wannTta hear... dont read. Thats all i have these days. Skool + work+ weekend = myliferitenow.
p.s. someone asked me today why i was writing/typing like a kindergartner...

TANNER, my man tann, my very best friend.
I die over this cut out!
I miss him more than words can describe.
My brother is ALL grown up! . . . I do really hate the car situation thats going on... but this is him the night of preference. Isn't he such a hunk?
This girl has become one of my greatest friends. I cant wait to start a book of adventures with her, but more than that... to HAve the adventures :)
get this. we are going to eat a whole bucket of ice cream. in ONE SITTING.

I am saving up money for Ukraine so i've been babysitting this lil dood a lot more latesly. This is us sledding. Is he not the cutest? I love babysitting these little BABES!

apple: AUbrey is in town this weekend.
lemon: she cant stay forever..

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Alright! I over came my fears.... It felt so good after.
Snakes are/were? easily my biggest fear, but sunday night i actually HELD garys snake! HELD i tell you!
It definitely took me a while, but I DID IT!
I still hate snakes....

THe end.

This video is really lame. haha but in a 2good2btrunestypeofway.
<3 Jenn.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stemelica 4 lyfe.

This is my new clique at uvu.
Its very exclusive.
I know you want to join.... but you probably cant.
we take all our applicants... VEry seriously.
p.s. Never, anyone, call me j dawg again... all i can think of is hot dogs now... GROss.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The goods. Here.

I saw this quote today and for some reason really liked it:

Every now and then go away,
have a little relaxation,
for when you come back to your work
your judgment will be surer.
Go some distance away
because then the work appears smaller
and more of it can be taken in at a glance
and a lack of harmony and proportion is
more readily seen.
-Leonardo Da Vinci

friends.. .. ..

I <3>
Rachelles birthday was on the 13th of January.
We went to Chilis for dinner and had some fun after at her home.

Rachelle and Emily (her younger sister) were my first BEst friends in Highland... its funny how nothing has changed. I know they would do anything for me and i would do anything for them. Rachelle is the most beauitful woman i know. She has so many talents that i admire. I always look up to her and want to be more like her.

Wooohoo. Melissa. Melissa. I am so happy she has become one of my greatest friends. I cant tell you how much i just love talking to her. We are seriously trying to go to Ukraine together to teach kids english in the fall. how good/wonderful/amazing/fun would that be?

These people... they never get old.
1. panda.
2. Angus
3. Paper heart
4. Intimate conversations
5. Americas next top model
Overallll good weeek/weeeekend..

Monday, January 10, 2011

my day.

Happy monday everyone.

I had a really good weekend. I spent sometime with Gary b4 he lefttt. Even tho he is just in provo i hate it haha. we went bowling. LINDS was there of course.

I also went and saw true grit with rhett. twas good.
I've been sick. yuck, i hate it. i hate it.
<3 Jniels.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Wohoo. PHOTOSHOOOT!!! Yesterday was the worst day ever, first my purse and everything getting ruined by one getting wet and two getting melted... then getting SUPER stuck in the snow.
It got better tho. I did a long over due photo shoot with my frinds Sicily and Rachel. Here are the first couple photos, more coming soooooN!

Later that night Gary and LInds came over, we played some games and it was good to hear funniiesss stories about Gary and everyones past. They were hilarious and just the thought of them now make me smile.


I've already had two of my classes and now i feel as if i am having the longest break of my life. (I even hadto buy some shoes online because i am so BORED. thats baddd. i have NO MONEY) Its like a 3 hour break... thats why i just need to movee out. classes until 5:15 today... wowzz. Its been pretty good so far. math hw already.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

T- Par - T

It was an apple lemon day one could say.
(In honor of Aubrey
why are these things just the most fun? GLADJ = ra ra got together for the tea party of the century. haha. We had carmel cupcakes, mini oreos, chicken salad croissants, asparagus, tea. It was delicious and full of such good company. So many good jokes and times with these people. Going to Del at eleven and staying until one. :)

Lemon: Our last day with Aubrey GLADJ is already starting to break up it feels like :( Aubrey left early the next morning to Idah0 for skool. we will be seeing her soon tho. . . (soon isnt soon enough)

we are starting to do a book club / tea paaarttee club. everrymonth. If you want inn. LET me know. We are just trying to decide a book. (dont worry theyll be pretty small)

<3 <3 <3

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Traditions.

I have changed for the better. New Years Eve was such an amazing night.
We first went over to Danielles for a lil pre New years eve party! We played the new dance game on the wii, apples to apples, went hot tubbing. The best part comes next tho! GARYS HOME. 1. The tour of this bedroom :) 2. His snake creeeepperrreed me OUT. 3. I hope i can build up the courageto one day maybe hold it. . . or maybe just touch it. 4. Garys dad throwing money up at the ceiling, instead of at the door throing it inside. 5. Glass of grapes. Each grape = a wish. I think i made some pretty good ones this year, which i hope will make 2011 the best. 6. The plate of Candles. There is a lots of candles, each with a different color. They melt altogether symbolizing things like (I copied this from the internet, so i dont know if they are all correct)
White: Purity, love, truth, harmony, health and spirituality
Yellow: Mental power attraction, love
Red: Love, passion, sexual energy
Green: Money, fame, harmony, fertility
Blue: Family harmony, mental balance, peace, serenity
Pink: Love, honor, morals
Purple: Meditation, spirituality, health
Orange: Courage, stimulation, attraction
Brown: Lost items, personal achievement, judgment
Gold: Money success, love, work
Silver: Success in operations, health and money
7. They made us run up and down the stairs. :) Means something like going up in the new year. succeeding. 8. Garys moms suitcase. 9. After some of these things we sat down and ate dinner. It was so yummm. 10. Dancing. dancing. and dancing. Garys aunt was crazyy. i liked it.

Easily one of the best New Year eves.
I really want to apply these traditions everyear. They were just so fun.