Friday, January 27, 2012

I will hold on hope

For a while I decided i didn't like blogging anymore. I felt like i had nothing to say because my life was so boring. BUT today i went back and i read all the wonderful things that have happened in the past year or so in my life and i was SO GRATEFUL that i had all those great things documented. I got to relive memories that i had with Gary, I Got to remember the GREAT times I had with GLADJ, and i got to see how much Melissa and Steven helped me have a better school year. I had so many great times with my best friends and the people i love.
so here it is. I want to be back in the blogging scene. Not tons, but i just want to document what i think is important in my life.... and here are some of the times that i have most loved in my life since i last blogged.

I love nature so much. Below Rachelle and I went hiking and got the best view of everything. I can't wait to seriously pick up hiking again this summer.
Below was a girl trip to PARK CITY UTAH! I can't tell you how much these girls mean to me. They are my sisters. this picture is really funny. the last one is MyStErY.** can you guess what it is?
We went to sundance after... I thought this picture was tooo cute for words. I want it framed and sent out to everyone in the world. They honestly make me so happy. Grateful for such amazing friends.
I moved out this last year. It was a pretty good experience. I feel like i learned so much about myself. The beginning was really fun. I was always PARTYING. now its died down, but i've made many new friends. These were my roomates for the first semester. I love them all :)
This is the order of my adorable roomies in the picture below:
from the left
carley (or CARLS), Katie, ME, LINDS, Dylan.
and aubree is the one laying on us. This was her bachelorette party
The picture below was taken after one of my best friends wedding.... Jessica Dawn Shane. or jessica lott now.... haha i can't believe she is married. I was one of her bridesmaids. Such a fun experience. This pic was taken at Tucanos. We went there after the wedding for my birthday which was the next day. I turned 20... i can't even handle the idea of turning 21! wowza.
This picture was taken at WALMART... haha everytime i see it... it brings out SOME MAJOR LOL's! HAHAH. moving out with my best friend has been great.... everyone tried to talk me out of it saying we would fiight and end up hating each other. But it has seriously been so great. I am so lucky to have such an amazing supportive best friend. I love her!
ALL MY FRIENDS ARE GETTING MARRIED. now this is weird right? Well Jam got married... i am so happy for her. I caught the bouquet and was loving that .. it was so nice seeing all my old friends again. Even tho time has passed i still value their friendship and am grateful that they were/are in my life.
Anyway! I guess i just mostly wanted to say how grateful i am for all the wonderful people that have been there in my life. I can't wait for all the adventures to come :)